Thursday, September 25, 2008

Halo Nevus Scar On Nose -treatment

Cisco IOS Router and Remote Installation Overview

IOS (Internetworking Operating System) is the operating system used in most Cisco routers.

IOS equips the majority of Cisco routers and many of its switches. Currently, the development of this software has come to version 12.2. Using IOS, you can manage all caratteritiche router, by setting the address to the routing protocols, traffic control, updating of software.

Knowing which components are present in a router is important to understand the use of IOS. The router is basically a hardware device like a computer with one or more processors, memories (volatile and non) and interfaces to connect to networks and the IOS operating system precisely.
The main components of a Cisco router are:
Memory ROM: contains the code for the bootstrap (boot) of the router, the code for the POST (Power-On Self Test) which diagnoses the hardware present and a mini -IOS to allow maintenance in case of problems;
RAM: This type of volatile memory maintains the routing information on the current configuration and routing tables. Resetting the machine the information here will be lost, as well as any configuration changes not yet saved;
NVRAM: Non-Volatile RAM is an acronym or area memory is not lost on power off the router where it is stored configurations to be loaded at startup and the important Configuration Register (registry) that allows among other things to determine the startup mode of the apparatus;
FLASH Memory : it is a memory EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory).
The Flash is not cleared at shutdown of the router and contains the image (but it is also possible more than one) of the operating system IOS, IOS RELEASE

versions of IOS can be divided into three main classes based on user:
- General Deployment: a software system is considered stable and free from bug;
- Early Deployment: This type of release provides bug fixes over the previous release of new features such as support for new hardware or upgrading of certain protocols;
- Maintenance Release: Substitute General Deployment and is represented by various maintenance releases (eg for the version we have the Maintenance 12.0 12.1 12.2 etc.).

The Cisco IOS operating system is usually loaded or updated by copying its image via a TFTP server in the router's FLASH memory . E 'need to know the features in your device to install the correct image. The name of each IOS follows a specific pattern: Platform-Features-Run-time memory and compression format.
The meaning is as follows:
Platform: is the model of router to which the operating system has been developed (eg Cisco 2500, Cisco 7000, Cisco 12000)
Features: are features such as routing protocols supported, the ability to do NAT or create VPN connections etc.
Run-time memory and compression format: This value is indicated by two letters, the first identifies which area of \u200b\u200bmemory will run the operating system image, and the second compression format;

An example: C7200-C7200
ajs56-mz: Cisco 7200 Series Router
to: support APPN protocol;
j: Support Enterprise features,
s: NAT support, ISL, VPDN/L2F
56: support 56-bit encryption
m: Running in RAM
z: Zip compressed file

There are several ways to connect by the router, depending on the situation where you are. When you first start it is not configured network interfaces will need to connect through the console port via a cable to the AUXILIARY PORT so-called console (rollover) and then, once set up a network interface, you can connect via telnet or SSH .

CONSOLE and AUX ports are located on the back of the router and usually are RJ45. Linking through these ports, the default is no password.

Once connected to the router, if there is no configuration in NVRAM, the IOS configuration offers a step-by-step In this case the system asks a series of questions (in square brackets [] displays the default answer) to order to configure the hardware found. At the end of the applications will generate the configuration file. Example
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog?
[yes / no]: y
At Any Point You May enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at Any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets'[]'.
Configuring global parameters: Enter host name
[router]: Zion-1

IOS configurations usually occur through CLI (Command Line Interface), a text-based nested menu which allows you to configure every part of the behavior of the router.
E 'can still create the configuration tool via a GUI and then copy over the network in the router.

the formalities' of a Cisco router: Cisco IOS COMMAND MODES
can operate in different modes:
User EXEC mode: Once you have configured the router by pressing ENTER at the end of the boot messages you are in this mode. In User Mode is available only a subset of the IOS command prompt and the router is the host name followed by the character>. E 'to view certain interface information, statistics of the router but not to change the configuration parameters. Example of prompt
by USER MODE: Press Enter to Begin

Router> Router
is the name of default host name, in case we have given a host name Zion-1 we would have a prompt:
Privileged EXEC mode : In this mode you have access to via password, you can visualize all the information and access to the router configuration mode to change operating parameters.
Router> enable
is passed through the enable command in EXEC mode Privileged mode
Password: Router #

Once authenticated with a password you notice that the prompt has changed, and the # like this when you are as root on a Unix / Linux
Global configuration: in global configuration can be accessed in the configuration of interfaces and protocols and the prompt will change to:
Router (config) #
Interface configuration: You can configure each network interface present (Bri, ATM, Eth), when the router is in this state we will have a prompt like this:
Router (config-if) #
ROM Monitor: when the image of the system is corrupt or not found the system starts in this mode, and with a limited set of useful commands to perform maintenance. E 'can also enter this mode by running the reload command from user EXEC mode and pressing within 60 seconds after boot the Stop button (Break Key) on the computer keyboard. The ROM Monitor prompt is:

IOS Ios has an online help through the command? allows you to display help on available commands depending on the manner in which you are located.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Propellerhead Reason 5 Rapid

through the Group Policy Core Impact Penetration Testing

This guide is not meant to be exhaustive in all aspects of running a domain and assume that you have a good network connections based on TCP / IP and LAN on client / server architecture, operating systems and Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000.

operating system:
-Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows XP Professional

assign software
You can assign a program distribution to users or computers. If you assign the program to a user, will be installed when the user logs on to the computer. When the user runs the program for the first time, the installation is finalized.
If you assign the program to a computer, it will installed when the computer starts and will be available for all users who log into that computer. When a user runs the program for the first time, the installation is finalized.

Publishing Software You can publish a program distribution to users. When the user logs on to the computer, the published program is displayed in the Add / Remove Programs window, which can be installed.

Create a distribution point
To publish or assign a program to a computer, you must create a distribution point on the Publisher:
1. Log on to the computer server as an administrator.
2. Creating a shared network folder in which to place the MSI package (Microsoft Software Installer) you want to deploy.
3. Set permissions on the share to allow access to the distribution package.
4. Copy the MSI package to the distribution point.
5. To create a package. Msi from a. Exe: copy the setup.exe file in the subdirectory Extract and shell type the command: setup.exe / c / t
Extract 6. At this point you will find in the subdirectory Extract the file: Virtual_PC_2007_Install.msi

Creating a GPO
To create a Group Policy object (GPO, Group Policy Object) to be used for distributing the software package:
1. Start the Users and Computers snap-in Active Directory. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, Administrative Tools and then Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. In the console tree, click the right mouse button on the domain or organizational unit, and then click Properties.
3. Select the Group Policy tab and then click New.
4. Type the name to use for these criteria, such as Virtual PC.

Assigning a package
To assign a program to computers that are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional or users who access one of these workstations:
1. Start the Users and Computers snap-in Active Directory. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, Administrative Tools and then Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. In the console tree, click the right mouse button on the domain or organizational unit, and then click Properties.
3. Select the Group Policy tab, select the GPO you want, and click Modify.
4. In Computer Configuration, expand Software Settings.
5. Click the right mouse button on the Software Installation, select New, then Package.
6. In the Open dialog box, type the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) with the shared folder that contains the MSI package you want.
For example, \\ \\ Server2003 \\ mydownloads \\ VirtualPC \\ virtualpc2007.msi.
sure to use the UNC path to the shared folder.
7. Click Open.
8. Choose the application will be available to users as assigned, and then click OK. The package is listed in the right pane of Group Policy window.
9. Close the Group Policy snap-in, click OK and close the snap-in Active Directory Users and Computers. When the client computer starts, will start the automatic installation of the software package managed, or can be forced with the command from shell: gpupdate / force

Removing a package
To remove a published or assigned package:
1. Start the Users and Computers snap-in Active Directory. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, Administrative Tools and then Active Directory Users and Computers.
2. In the console tree, click the right mouse button on the domain or organizational unit, and then click Properties.
3. Select the Group Policy tab, select the GPO to which you deployed the package and click Modify.
4. Expand the container Software settings that includes the Software installation item with which you deployed the package.
5. Click the Software installation container that contains the package.
6. In the right pane of Group Policy window, click the right mouse button on the program, click All Tasks, then click Remove.
7. Do one of the following: • Click Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers, and then click OK.
• Click Allow users to continue using the software, but prevent new installations, and then click OK.
8. Close the Group Policy snap-in, click OK and close the snap-in Users and Computers Active Directory.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wholesale Bathroom Vanities

OS: Windows 2000 and Windows XP Home
Trial Version:
License: Commercial

Core Impact is a next-generation scanner to scan your home network with a plus ... ....

Today's market offers many commercial products to perform automated testing pen one in particular stands out for its ability to force the access to the system.
right, while other scanners are the vulnerability of a system and then draw up a report of bugs found, Core Impact violates your system, launching automatically various exploits.
Once installed the executable with administrator privileges, you are in front of a screen that asks us
whether to start a new project or load a previous one already on your system, if you choose to start a new one must provide a license and a password that uniquely identifies that project.
After this procedure there is a split screen in front of several windows, the very heart of the program.
The scan is divided into six phases:

1) Acquisition of information network (refers to several active hosts on the network)
2) attachment and penetration (selected the host we are interested in launching exploits based on vulnerabilities found)
3) Capture local information (OS, username currently active, active applications etc. .. .... ... etc..)
4) Violation of the privileges (based on local information, applications and services running and all the acquired under the points 1-2-3 launches climbing the highest privilege to ROOT)
5) Cancellation of the tracks (as in a real attack must erase its traces from the compromised system)
6) Generation of the report (last we have the report ready and beautiful with lots of graphics)

To launch the first step "Information Gathering" we have to do with the left mouse button click on it and start scanning the network to identify active hosts present.
Once you choose the selected target host proceed to Step 2 "Attack and Pentration" launches automatically various exploits based on the information acquired.
In step 3, "Local Information Gathering" will collect information from the local host target snatched initial scan and the attack itself. Step 4
"Privilege Escalation" trying to get full access of the system with Administrator privileges.
Step 5 "Clean Up" is like all computer attacks erase all trace of their activity and the various logs. The last step
6, "Report Generation "will draw up a report: a more complete and detailed summary and one more and then you can either save it as xml and html.
Core Impact is a very powerful and effective because it can always be updated on-line by increasing its already extensive database of exploits. Obviously
security administrators can not base their work on only one automated tool, but their skill and experience make the difference.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bmi Chart For Men And Women In India

The ISO / OSI layer RAID Architectures

The Open Systems Interconnection Open Systems Interconnection (better known as ISO / OSI) is a standard established in 1978 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, the greek word isos, "equal"), the main international standards organization, which establishes a protocol stack in 7 levels.
The organization felt the need to produce a set of standards for computer networks and started the project OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), a standard reference for the interconnection of open systems. The document shows that this activity is the Basic Reference Model of OSI, known as ISO 7498.
The ISO / OSI model consists of a stack (or stacks) of protocols through which reduces the complexity of implementing a communication system for networking. In particular, ISO / OSI model consists of layers (or levels), the so-called layer, containing one or more aspects associated with each of the communication between two nodes on a network. The layers are a total of 7 and range from the physical layer (the physical media, ie cable or radio waves) to the application layer, which is achieved through the provision of high quality.

levels or layers
Each layer identifies a communication protocol of the same level. ISO / OSI achieves a communication levels, ie, given two nodes A and B, the level n node A can exchange information with the level n node B but not with the other: this gives the system modularity and ease of deployment and redeployment . In addition, each level produces communication with the level corresponding to other nodes using the POS (point of service) in the level immediately below. So ISO / OSI layer encapsulates the messages in e n n-1 level. So if A has to send, for example, an e-mail to B, the application (level 7) To propagate the message of using the underlying layer (level 6) which in turn will use the PoS of the layer below until you get the notice on the physical medium.
In this way there is a multi-level communication that allows, for example, to implement different algorithms for routing in the network despite having connected transport protocols.
ISO / OSI is designed to allow communication in networks' switching package ', similar to the paradigm TCP-UDP/IP used in Unix and ARPANET, which later became the Internet. The key difference between TCP / IP and OSI is that the TCP / IP application layer is outside the protocol stack (that is a stand-alone application that 'use' TCP / IP to communicate with other applications), layers are therefore only 5 (application, transport, network, data link, physical) and the level session, presentations are missing because implemented (possibly) elsewhere, that is in stand-alone outside.
ISO / OSI protocol stack is an encapsulated, which is certainly more flexible than the paradigm of TCP / IP, but only because it is more abstract than that. In practical implementations there are 'complete' ISO / OSI, apart from proprietary ones (eg Digital's DECNET) and academic interest.
In order to obtain an improvement of the model may be of interest can benefit from an exchange of information within the same protocol stack, between non-adjacent layers. This possibility, which is gaining considerable interest in recent years, called Cross-Layer (CL), and it is interesting especially in radio communications for the variable nature of the medium. The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept is to introduce cross-layer capacity, various communication protocols to exchange information to adapt to specific states of the grid connection. Unlike the classic OSI model, no longer want to just take countermeasures or preventive control mechanisms after a particular event occurring in the network, but trying to decide interactively with it using the information common to all layers.

List and function levels
Level 1: Physical
Objective: to transmit a stream of unstructured data through a physical connection, dealing with the shape and the voltage signal. It has to do with the procedures necessary to establish mechanical and electronic, and off to maintain a physical connection. Simply
: responsible to control the network, hardware and devices that make possible the connection.
In this level you decide:
· The voltages chosen to represent the logical values \u200b\u200b0 and 1
· The duration in microseconds of the electric signal that identifies a bit
· the simultaneous transmission in both directions
· The form and mechanics connectors used to connect the hardware to the transmission medium

Level 2 datalink
Objective: To enable the reliable transfer of data through the physical layer. Send data frames with the necessary synchronization and maintains control errors and signal loss. All this' you can bring up the upper level, the physical medium such as a transmission line error-free transmission.
This level aims to train the data to be sent through the physical layer, encapsulating the data in a package provided with header (header) and tail (tail), also used to control sequences. This fragmentation of data packets is called the specific and individual packages are framing the frame.
For each packet received, the recipient sends the sender an ACK (acknowledgment, confirmation) holds the state of the transmission: the sender has to resend packets transmitted ill and those who have not received a response. To optimize the transmission of the ACK, it uses a technique known as piggybacking, which is nell'accodare to outgoing messages, the ACK for an incoming connection, to optimize the use of the physical layer. The ACK packets can also be grouped and sent in blocks.
This level is also responsible for controlling the flow of data: in case of unbalance of transmission speed, slow down the work deals with the fastest car, agreed to it and minimizing losses due to overloading.
Its fundamental data unit is the plot.

Level 3: Network
Objective: To make the upper levels are independent of the mechanisms and transmission technologies used for the connection. He works to establish, maintain and terminate a connection, ensuring the correct and optimal operation of the communication subnet.
is responsible for:
· routing: Optimal choice of the route to be used to ensure the delivery of information
• Management of congestion: avoid too many packets arrive at the same router simultaneously
· Route
· Conversion of data in transit between a network and another with different characteristics. It must, therefore:
or translate addresses
or assess the need 'to fragment the data if the new network has a different maximum transmission unit
or assess the need' to manage different protocols through the use of gateway
Its unity is the fundamental data packet.

Level 4: transport
Objective: To allow a transparent and reliable data transfer (also implement error checking and losses) between two hosts. It is really the first level end-to-end, that 'from source to destination host.
Unlike the previous levels, dealing with connections between adjacent nodes of a network, the Transport (logic level) deals only with the point of departure and arrival.
He is also carrying out the fragmentation of data coming from the top level in packages, called 'segments' and send them in an efficient and reliably using the network layer and isolating it from the upper levels. In addition, she is concerned to optimize the use of network resources and prevent congestion.
Its fundamental data unit is the message.

Level 5: Session
Objective: To control the communication between applications. Establish, maintain and terminate connections (sessions) between cooperating applications.
It adds to services provided by the transport layer, more advanced services, such as management of the dialogue (mono or bi), the management of the token (to make mutual exclusion) or synchronization (inserting checkpoints in order to reduce the amount of data to be retransmitted in case of serious malfunctions).
He is also to include control points in the data stream: in case of an error in sending packet communication resumes from the last checkpoint was successful.

Level 6: Presentation
Objective: To transform the data provided by the applications in a standardized format and provide common communication services, such as encryption, text compression and reformatting.
It allows you to manage the syntax of information to be transferred. And there are three different syntaxes:
· Abstract (formal definition of the application data exchange),
· concrete local (how the data are represented locally)
, acting on the transfer (as the data is encrypted during transfer).

Level 7: Application
Objective: user interface and machine.
Provides a set of protocols that work closely with the applications. It is wrong to identify a user application as part of the application layer.
The Protocols of the typical applications of this level perform tasks such as:
· Transfer files
· Virtual Terminal • Mail

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Groping On Trains And Busses

Berkely The paper defines five types of RAID implementation with the addition of a technique called non-redundant striping RAID 0.

Striping: disks are logically combined in one unit.

RAID 0. This is an array but not redundant, then the name was incorrect RAID but universally accepted. This is actually concatenated disk striping: instead of in sequence, the data capacity of each disk is partitioned into small functional units called stripes and joined together in an overall logical unit that includes all disks stripig. The process of interleaving (pass me the term taken from the world of memories) is possible through a technique called round-robin. The size of the stripes is variable and configurable. RAID 0 offers no fault tolerance but also significantly increases the performance since the read and write operations can occur simultaneously on all disks. The minimum number of disks required to implement RAID 0 is two.

Raid 0: drives combined round-robin improve the transfer since more I / O occur simultaneously satisfied by all disks in the array.

RAID 1: disk mirroring. Two disks are configured as a copy of the other and then record both the same data. Redundancy is assicuratadal fact that in the event of failure of one, the other disk can continue to operate by providing access to data. The performance improved in reading since the applications are fulfilled simultaneously by all the disks, while in writing remain the same, having to write to both disks. the minimum number of disks required to implement RAID 1 is two.
Raid 1: both discs recorded the same data: it is given a writing at a time but multiple reads simultaneously satisfied by all disks in the array.

RAID 2. In this old configuration of at least three disks, two are striped, and one contains information ECC fault tolerance. Because now each disk contains its own error correction code this implementation has been abandoned. Furthermore, the data are arranged (ie, distributed by a method of spanning) among all the disks and reading and writing should therefore continue to access data arranged in different positions, moving from one disk to another and slowing the flow of throughput.

Raid 2: each operation (reading and writing) is distributed among all disks. The record ECC records information of fault tolerance.

RAID 3. It 'similar to RAID 2, except that instead of having more units that handle information ECC, there is a drive that records only the parity bit. If a drive fails the missing stripe can be restored by calculating the XOR (parity information) of stripes positioned equally on other disks and restoring the data perduto.Per able to achieve this feature requires that the recorded data is smistino among all disks in the array in order to have a transfer of shares of each record in parallel, maximizing speed. However since the size of the stripes should be small, smaller than a typical record, should be strengthened demands of long sequential data except that the continuous parallel access to disks slow down operations, also allows only RAID 3 operation I / O time wing, limiting Workgroups environment with many users.

example equal

Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 equal

1 + 3 + 6 = 10
2 + 1 + 7 = 10 + 2 + 3
x = 10

parity - disk1 - Disc 2
x = X = 5 (since restored)

Raid 3: each operation is distributed among all disks.

RAID 4. In this implementation, a minimum of 3 drives are the same features as RAID 3, except that the stripe is larger than a typical record, allowing him to reside entirely in a single drive array. This division of the records allows more read operations simultaneously, thus a greater flow of data. However, every write must update the parity drive specific so it can not be more than one time.

Raid 4: each write to update the parity. More I / O simultaneously.

RAID 5. With a technique called distributed parity, RAID 5 overcomes the limitations imposed by the single drive to RAID 4 for the equal, in dedicating each disk sectors. The total space distributed between disks dedicated to parity is equal to that of a single whole drive, allowing multiple write operations occur simultaneously, as well as readings. A slight delay is dall'update equality. In addition, the stripes can be defined in size, adapting the array to your working environment.

RAID 5 distributed parity. More I / O simultaneously.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ephysema Vs Bronchitis

How to Create a Server 2003 domain based

This guide is not meant to be exhaustive in all aspects of running a domain and assume that you have a good network connections based on TCP / IP and LAN on client / server architecture, and operating systems Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000.
Operating Systems used:

-Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows XP Professional

First you need to install two separate machines in the operating system Windows Server 2003 and in the operating system Windows XP / 2000
Done that we proceed to enter two cars in the same workgroup, so that both you ping to manage to get out on the Internet.
Once the two machines operate on the network should proceed in this manner:

1. In 2003 server go to Start --- All Programs --- --- Administrative Tools Configure Your Server Wizard to install Active Directory, DNS, DHCP

2. Perform Typical installation for a first server domain, you will be prompted the installation CD of Windows Server 2003 and wait a few minutes.

The wizard must choose the domain name, for simplicity of implementation is better that the domain has the same workgroup name.
Once installed on the AD server, DHCP, DNS and AD need to create a "computer" and an object "User".
Then go to Start --- All Programs --- --- Administrative Tools Active Directory Users and Computers

It has a screen similar to Windows Explorer and the Active Directory console

Select the tab "Users" then move to the right of the screen and with the right mouse button click on the "New User "---""
fill in the various fields by becoming conscious choice of username and password that must meet the safety criteria (length and complexity).

Once you create the new user must create the computer account and can be done in 2 ways: 1
. automatically, simply by starting the new PC and click Control Panel --- System - Name Change ---- Computer, enter the Domain name on the tab "Member of" at this point, logging in as the Admin Server will generate 2003 the computer account automatically.
2. Server 2003 on Start --- All Programs --- --- Administrative Tools Active Directory Users and Computers tab, select the "Computers and then position on the right of the screen and with the right mouse button select "New Computer "---""

Fill in the "Computer Name" and finish the procedure.

Once the procedure for entering user and computer, you must enter the new PC in the domain, and then you can safely logare with the new credentials that are configured on Windows Server 2003.

WARNING * VERY IMPORTANT * All clients who are going to join the domain should have as their default gateway Dns server and default the ip address of windows server 2003.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Best Rugby Initiation

Dekart Private Disk 9.2

Operating System: Windows
License: Free Trial / Commercial
Application: Creating and managing encrypted disks.

Today more and more users use their system to process and store sensitive data this leads to an inevitable question: "SECURITY & PRIVACY.
network are present on many tools that help protect your data from prying eyes and one in particular I was struck by the power and ease of use.
Dekart Private Disk is a very simple but at the same time reliable and powerful by its ability to encrypt a hard disk (both internal and external), Floppy Disks, CD, CD / R, CD / RW, MO, MD, ZIP -disks, flash drives, all types of flash memory cards, PDAs and even digital cameras, the algorithm with NIST-certified AES 256-bit.
Once installed, the light setup (1,265 Kb) and launched the program you are in front of a screen composed of four tabs that represent the four sections are required to create and manage virtual disks.

The first section, "Disco" allows us to:

1. to activate a disk already on our support;

2. of create a new

3. to erase a

4. to change an existing setaggi

The second section, "Options" is the many program options such as disabling all encrypted disks after a certain period of inactivity.

The third section, "Recover" has a special feature, as well as activities for the recovery of encrypted disks and back them up, if you have forgotten the password to access our
good record encrypted program allows us to launch an attack " Brute Force to retrieve it.

The fourth section "Customize" button allows you to customize keyboard shortcuts.
Our encrypted virtual hard disk is seen by the system as a normal drive with a lot of logical drive letter, but when we disconnected it can easily carry it wherever and whenever we want is nothing more than a simple file.

Pros: The program is localized into 13 languages, ease of use

Cons: As the virtual disks of normal files, you can mistakenly delete.

Films Voor Polaroid Ee66

anonymous surfing with Torpark

Operating System: Windows All
License: Open-source
Version: Application
: Browsing

In a society
spied on, where we can all be controlled through technology that surrounds us daily, we use the ATM at the supermarket to the GSM mobile, Internet browsing is not excluded from this form of control.
But now there is a tool that allows us to increase our privacy, this is a version of Torpark Mozilla Firefox integrated with the Tor system (, a knitting machines spread all over the world who communicate via TCP, forming an encrypted tunnel in which the data travels from one node to another, where each node along the way knows only the node that provided the data. When a user types
an address on your browser sends a request to the DNS (Domain Name System is a distributed Internet directory service) that turns the address in ip address from here on the data that will and sends the user to this address will go through various machines encrypting and changing each time the ip, then you will not leave his ip address more sites you visit.
The convenience of this tool is that it does not need installation, so you can
use on a USB key, or any other portable media to be used for example when you go to an internet cafe.
Once downloaded, the program must
unzip to a directory of your choice or on a USB drive and launches the executable, the first screen is a "Warning" indicates that the potential of the product, but warns us not use "orthodox".
After this, the program connects to the Tor circuit and we are ready to sail.
The GUI is very similar to the traditional Firefox but you can change, you can add extensions, plug-in, and above all we can place our Bookmarks.
This system is not designed to guarantee anonymity to criminals because it only helps to improve their privacy and the difficulty traffic control, and attention was not compensated at 100% and you have to be always with open eyes.

Pros: In a single browser there is a navigation system configured Tor and ready to use, no installation, is located in more than 35 languages, ease of use.

Cons: does not guarantee anonymity to 100%, a slight slowness in surfing, it supports both open instances of Firefox mozilla ie either the original or start Torpark is start Firefox.

Driving License Name Change India

with Wireless Network Monitoring WirelessMon 2.0 Sandboxie

Operating System: Windows All
License: Free Trial / Commercial
version. 2.0 build 1006

802.x protocol is spreading a lot for your convenience and for its efficiency in the field of productivity as a result are always the new programs to design and manage Wi-Fi networks.
WirelessMon is one of them in fact once installed and launched the executable we have a very flexible and easy to use to monitor and develop its network
Fig.1 Main Screen

The very interesting feature of this tool is the ability to graph the signal emitted by the various access points, giving an idea quality and power of the same.
The main window is divided into 5 tabs, stands out for its uniqueness and the utility tab 5 "Map" from here we can go to make up our hypothetical wireless network directly to a plan previously charged environment (Fig. 2).
Once the program executes a

scans for access points, provides a list of those protected and those accessible allowing the connection.
WirelessMon 2.0.1006 is a very useful tool for creating and optimizing a wireless network (eg an office) by going to predict and simulate those situations that would otherwise have to deal

Fig.2 Environment Plan at the time of installation, operation and plan spending.
You can also use a GPS unit to a geographic location and real-time display of the signal source.
short, a tool that should not be missing in the case of a system administrator in both professional and in household areas.

Pros: easy and intuitive, graphical representation of the wireless network

Cons: Trial version is limited in time and performance